Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WRAL news gets involved!

Today, Wed. around 12:40pm Christiana Culligan is going to be on WRAL news promoting about National Corn Dog Day to benefit Alzheimer's. You have got to watch this if you have a chance. Isn't is wonderful that our local community is so supportive of such a fun day benefiting a great cause! Don't miss it!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Join us for our 5th annual National Corn Dog Day!

Join us in celebrating our 5th annual National Corndog Day on March 19th from 2-8 pm! We are excited about the fun we have planned for this year's shindig! We are also thrilled to have partnered with Alzhiemers North Carolina to promote awareness of this disease that has had such an impact on Dan's family. We will have plenty of corndogs (even Morning Star veggie corn dogs), tater tots and drinks. Of course we will have plenty of tvs around to watch March Madness, but we also have a few games planned to participate in as well. We have music entertainment scheduled as well as lots of fun stuff for the kids to do.

We have a raffle with great prizes - Gift cards, basketballs, t-shirts and hockey tickets. We will be giving prizes away each hour so make sure you get in on the game!

Please be sure to invite your friends, neighbors and family! You can forward the invitation to them or click on the "add people" or "invite more" link below and send the invite to them directly.

Yes!!! There really is a national corndog day. Check it out at Also check out for more information and ways they can help.

Where: Culligans residence
2100 Brixham Court
Raleigh NC 27615

When: Saturday March 19th,

We would love to see you there!